Display Options

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Display Options

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The Display Options window is accessible from the PageGate GUI Client setup screen.  These settings allow you to disable some of the PageGate GUI Client's features.  This is useful if a simplified user interface is desired for end users.


Remove Preset Buttons:  This option will remove the programmable message buttons on the PageGate GUI Client window.


Remove Option button:  This option will remove the 'Options' button from the PageGate GUI Client window.  This will remove the end user's ability to send scheduled and repeating messages.


Remove Logs:  This option will remove the end user's ability to view logs regarding message status and messages sent. This option also disables reporting.


Remove Help:  This option will remove the end user's ability to view the Help file.


Remove Spell Checking:  This option will remove the ability to use MS Word's spell checker to check the spelling of messages.


Small Recipient Font: This option will use a smaller font in the 'Recipient List' and 'Selected Recipients' listboxes.


Clear on Send: When this option is checked, the list of selected recipients and the message text will be automatically cleared each time a message is sent.


Display group label: Groups are distinguished from regular recipients in the Recipient list by being prefixed with the letters '(G)'.  If desired, this label can be moved to the end of the group's name.


Minimize To: When the client's screen is minimized, it can do one of two things.  It can either put an icon in the Windows system tray, or it can minimize to the Windows task bar.